At Ron Myhr Consulting, we believe that appropriately targeted coaching can be a very valuable route to professional and career development for high potential individuals committed to fully meeting that potential. Our approach is grounded in carefully defined objectives that build on our clients’ understanding of themselves, the feedback they have received and, where possible, objective assessment data. Once clear objectives have been set, strategies for individual/professional development need to be crafted; progress against development objectives must be carefully monitored and new objectives set once the original objectives are met.
In our view, coaching and professional or career development needs to take into account the entire panorama of an individual’s strengths and weaknesses. Strengths are the foundation of success, but weaker areas need to be managed to ensure that they don’t represent barriers. Identified areas of undeveloped potential can be very fruitful as well.
But we are very clear — don’t try to do too much! It’s important to limit development focus to a very few objectives that can be achieved in a reasonable time.